What Is A Tib Bar & Why Use It? 

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In this blog post, we’ll be talking about the tib bar, an essential piece of equipment in the fitness world. The tib bar, though not as widely popular as other gym tools, offers significant benefits for strengthening and conditioning your lower body. This article aims to clarify what a tib bar is, its functionality, and its role in a well-rounded fitness routine. Ideal for both beginners and experienced athletes, the tib bar can be a valuable addition to your training equipment. Let’s delve into the specifics of the tib bar and how it can enhance your fitness.

What Is A Tib Bar?

A tib bar is a specific type of exercise equipment designed to target the tibialis anterior muscle, located in the front part of the lower leg. This muscle is crucial for several activities and plays a vital role in overall leg strength and stability. 

The tib bar typically consists of a pin or rod where weights can be added to, and a secondary bar that allows for secure placement around the feet. 

By using a tib bar, you can effectively isolate and strengthen the tibialis anterior, which is often neglected in standard lower body workouts. Its use is beneficial not only for athletes, particularly runners and basketball players, looking to enhance performance but also for individuals aiming to improve their lower leg health and prevent injuries.

Why Use A Tib Bar?

Training the tibialis anterior muscle has recently become more popular thanks to the work of Ben Patrick (kneesovertoesguy) as part of his ATG program, which has helped thousands of people overcome knee pain as well as recover from shin splints among other injuries.

A stronger tibialis anterior muscle will help your knees to support and absorb impact when walking down the stairs, jumping or running. This is particularly beneficial for runners and in high-impact sports such as basketball and volleyball.

The tib bar will allow you to load and strengthen your shins and ankles through a full range of motion.  

Used in combination with a slant board, it can help improve mobility and injury recovery aswell as improving vertical jumps and running technique.

Big advocates of this type of training include Mark Bell (Powerlifter), Marcus Filly (Crossfit/Functional Bodybuilding) and George St. Pierre (UFC).

man sat on a bench box performing a tibialias raise using a tib bar

Key Benefits of the Tib Bar:

  • Increase strength of the tibialis muscle
  • Balancing out mass in the lower leg
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Prevent shin splints, ankles, knee and tendon injuries
  • Improve vertical jump
  • Help reinforce moving patterns that will even help us climb the stairs in older age

Types of Tib Bars

The Tib Bar

The Tib Bar, offered by Forte Fitness, is a specialised piece of equipment designed to enhance leg muscle performance during workouts. This product is ideal for both beginners and seasoned athletes, including runners and regular gym-goers, aiming to boost their strength and develop remarkable power​​.

The Tib Solo

The Tib Solo, another variant of the tib bar by Forte Fitness, is specifically designed for single-leg (isolation) exercises. It focuses on strengthening the Tibialis Anterior muscle, which is vital for reducing or repairing shin injuries. This bar is particularly beneficial in sports requiring explosive power, such as basketball, volleyball, rugby, and athletics, and is also helpful for runners by improving ground clearance while walking or running. The Tib Solo can be used for leg extension and hamstring curls with the right setup.

Both products are manufactured in the UK and are noted for their portability, allowing easy transportation to various locations. 

The standard tib bar is used by locking the feet in the provided space and adding weights to the vertically facing bar. 

It’s designed to maximise the strength of shins, ankles, and the overall lower leg, and can also aid in the repair of injuries to the shin, ankle, calf muscles, or tendons. 

The recommended exercise with the tib bar is tib bar raises, which involve lifting weights with the feet and can be performed in various sets depending on the user’s focus, whether it’s strength building or injury recovery.

man sat on a bench performing a single leg tib raise

Tib Bar Exercises

  • Tib Bar Raises: This fundamental exercise involves securing your feet in the tib bar and performing raises. Slowly lift the weights using your feet, focusing on engaging the tibialis anterior muscle. Lower the weights back to the starting position. This exercise strengthens the shin, ankle, and lower leg muscles and is typically performed in sets, such as 3 sets of 8 lifts.
  • Single-Leg Tib Raises (Tib Solo): Specifically using the Tib Solo, this exercise targets each leg individually. Secure one foot in the device and perform the raise, isolating the tibialis anterior muscle. This is particularly effective for balancing muscle strength between legs and is useful for injury recovery.
  • Leg Extension and Hamstring Curls (Tib Solo): With the Tib Solo, you can also perform leg extensions and hamstring curls. Set up the bar appropriately for these exercises. Leg extensions will target the quadriceps, while hamstring curls focus on the back of the thigh. These exercises provide a comprehensive lower body workout, engaging multiple muscle groups.


In summary, a Tib Bar is an invaluable fitness tool designed to specifically target and strengthen the tibialis anterior muscle in the lower leg. Its use is crucial for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to enhance lower leg strength, improve performance, and prevent injuries. By incorporating exercises with the Tib Bar into your routine, you can achieve better muscle balance, increased leg power, and reduced risk of lower leg injuries. This makes the Tib Bar not just a specialised piece of equipment, but a fundamental addition to any comprehensive workout regimen.

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