Are Nordic curls the same hamstring curls?

A woman exercising using the Forte Fitness nordic cable attachment.

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Understanding Nordic Curls

Nordic curls, often mixed up with regular hamstring curls, are a killer strength exercise with some pretty cool perks and a focus on specific muscle groups.

Why Nordic Hamstring Training Rocks

Nordic hamstring training is a game-changer for boosting knee flexor strength and cutting down on hamstring injuries. Studies, like the one from Physio-Pedia, indicate that incorporating Nordic curls into a training regimen can significantly enhance knee flexor strength, particularly for football players. Just doing this exercise twice a week for four weeks can make a noticeable difference.

And it’s not just about getting stronger. Nordic curls are also a secret weapon for staying injury-free. A review and meta-analysis found a whopping 51% drop in injuries among 8,459 athletes who did Nordic curls. So, if you want to build muscle and avoid injuries, Nordic curls are a must.

Targeted Muscle Groups

Nordic hamstring curls mainly work the hamstrings, which include the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. These muscles are at the back of your thigh and are key for running, jumping, and climbing. The exercise focuses on eccentric muscle contraction, which helps strengthen the back of your legs and reduces the risk of hamstring strains.

Athletes, especially soccer players, recommend Nordic curls for hamstring conditioning. This exercise is highly effective for hamstring development and also works your glutes and lower back, boosting overall posterior chain strength, which is crucial for top-notch athletic performance.

If you’re thinking about adding Nordic curls to your workout or buying a Nordic curls attachment, it’s good to know how this exercise compares to machine leg curls. Check out our article on what is the difference between GHR hamstring curl and nordic curls. And for tips on how often to do Nordic curls, head over to how many times a week should you do the nordic curl?

drawing of muscles engaged when performing a nordic curl

Why Nordic Curls Are Great

Nordic curls are a killer exercise for your hamstrings, and they pack a punch when it comes to boosting athletic performance and keeping injuries at bay. If you’re serious about fitness, this move should be in your routine. Let’s break down why Nordic curls are worth your time.

Boost Your Strength and Performance

Nordic curls are famous for improving hamstring strength, especially during the lowering phase of the movement. A study with male soccer players who did Nordic hamstring training twice a week for a month saw a big increase in knee flexor strength (Physio-Pedia). This makes sense because strong hamstrings are key for explosive moves like running and jumping. Regularly doing Nordic curls can help you jump higher and run faster by working your glutes and hamstrings.

Wondering how often you should do Nordic curls? Check out how many times a week should you do the Nordic curl? for some tips. The trick is to be consistent and keep at it to really see those strengths and performance gains.

Flexibility and Injury Prevention

Nordic curls are also the best when it comes to preventing injuries, especially those annoying hamstring strains. These injuries usually happen when the muscle is lengthening, like when you’re sprinting or making quick direction changes. Exercises that focus on this lengthening phase, like Nordic curls, help your muscles handle these stresses better.

A review of 8459 athletes found that adding Nordic curls to their workouts cut injury rates by a whopping 51%. That’s a huge drop, showing just how good this exercise is for keeping your hamstrings strong and healthy.

If you’re curious about whether Nordic curls are the same as hamstring curls, they’re not quite the same. Both target the hamstrings, but Nordic curls focus more on the lowering phase, which sets them apart from the usual machine leg curls. Learn more about the differences at what is the difference between GHR hamstring curl and nordic curls?

Nordic curls are a powerhouse move for building strong hamstrings, boosting your athletic game, and cutting down on injuries. By focusing on the lowering phase of muscle contraction, they offer unique benefits for anyone looking to up their lower body strength and flexibility. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to give Nordic curls a go and feel the difference.

Female Athlete Exercising a nordic curl

Mastering Nordic Curls

Nordic curls are a tough but rewarding bodyweight exercise that zeroes in on your hamstrings. Master this move, and you’ll boost your hamstring strength and prevent injuries. Here’s how to do Nordic curls right and how to level up with variations.

How to Do Nordic Curls

Here’s the lowdown on performing Nordic curls:

  1. Kneel on a padded surface to save your knees.
  2. Secure your ankles under something solid or have a buddy hold them.
  3. Keep your hips extended and your body straight from knees to shoulders.
  4. Lower your torso slowly towards the ground, using your hamstrings to control the descent.
  5. Catch yourself with your hands when you can’t go any lower to avoid face-planting.
  6. Push up with your hands just a bit and use your hamstrings to get back to the start.

Take it slow and steady, focusing on the lowering part. This move puts a lot of strain on your hamstrings, so warm up well before starting.

Variations and Progressions

If you’re new to Nordic curls or find them too hard, try these tweaks:

  • Assisted Nordic Curls: Hook a resistance band to something solid in front of you and hold it while you lower yourself. The band will take some of your weight.
  • Partial Range of Motion: Lower yourself only as far as you can control, then use your hands to push back up. Increase the range as you get stronger.
  • Eccentric Only: Focus on the lowering part, going as slow as you can, then use your hands to push back up without using your hamstrings.

As you get stronger, you’ll get closer to doing a full Nordic curl without help. Pay attention to your body and push yourself, but don’t overdo it.

Adding Nordic curls to your workout can seriously up your hamstring game. For tips on how often to do them, check out how many times a week should you do the Nordic curl?

Want to know how Nordic curls stack up against machine leg curls? Get the details at what is the difference between ghr hamstring curl and Nordic curls?

Female Athlete Exercising at Lying Leg Curl Bench in The Gym

Nordic Curls vs. Machine Leg Curls

When it comes to working those hamstrings, a common question pops up: are Nordic curls the same as machine leg curls? While both exercises target the back of your thighs, they do it in different ways. Let’s break it down.

Muscle Engagement and Growth

Nordic curls, also known as Russian Hamstring Curls, are a bodyweight exercise that really focuses on the eccentric phase—where your muscles lengthen under tension. This type of training is super effective for muscle strengthening and growth.

Machine leg curls, on the other hand, involve both concentric (muscle shortening) and eccentric movements. You can adjust the weight, making it easier to find the right load for different rep ranges. Research shows that mixing up exercises and rep ranges can lead to more muscle growth than sticking to just one type. So, adding both Nordic and machine leg curls to your routine could give you the best of both worlds.


Type of Movement

Primary Focus

Nordic Curls


Hamstring strengthening

Machine Leg Curls

Concentric and Eccentric

Overall hamstring development

Choosing the Right Exercise

Picking between Nordic curls and machine leg curls depends on a few things:

  1. Personal Preference: What feels better or more enjoyable for you?
  2. Training Goals: Want to boost eccentric strength or muscle endurance? Go for Nordic curls. Looking for overall development and easy tracking of progress? Machine leg curls might be your jam.
  3. Equipment: Not all gyms have the setup for Nordic curls, making machine leg curls more accessible.
  4. Progressive Overload: Machine leg curls make it easier to increase resistance and track your gains.
  5. Safety: If you’re new to hamstring training or have past injuries, machine leg curls offer more stability and control.

Remember, factors like sleep, nutrition, stress, and lifting technique play a huge role in muscle growth. So, make sure you’re on top of these to get the most out of any exercise.

For more tips on adding Nordic curls to your routine and how often to do them, check out our guide on how many times a week should you do the Nordic curl? Also, for a deeper dive into different types of leg curls, like seated versus lying, see what is the difference between GHR hamstring curl and nordic curls?

In the end, Nordic curls and machine leg curls aren’t the same, but both are great for building strong hamstrings. If you want to get the most out of your hamstring workouts, consider mixing both exercises into your routine.

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