How to Hack Squat Using The Landmine Hack Squat Attachment

close up of woman doing a hack squat

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The hack squat is a great lower body exercise that targets a variety of muscle groups including the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. It’s a good choice for those looking to build strength, improve muscle tone, and enhance their overall fitness, with a particular focus on the lower body.

One way to perform this exercise is by using a landmine hack squat attachment, which allows for a more controlled and effective squat movement, compared to the traditional barbell squat. The landmine extension provides a guided pathway for the barbell, ensuring a more linear and structured movement path.

As always, with any exercise, maintaining correct form and technique is essential to reaping the full benefits and minimising the risk of injury.

The Hack Squat

design sketch of the muscles engaged when performing hack squats

The hack squat is a popular leg exercise created by George Hackenschmidt that stands as a variation to the traditional squat. Unlike the conventional squat, where a barbell is placed on your shoulders, the hack squat requires you to position the barbell behind your body. This position allows for a different engagement of the lower body muscles, providing a unique challenge and benefits.

The primary muscles worked during this squat variation are the glutes, although the hamstrings and quadriceps (quads) are also significantly engaged. The unique barbell positioning allows for a more targeted engagement of the glutes, making it an excellent exercise for individuals looking to build strength and definition in their back leg muscles. Besides, the engagement of the hamstrings and the quads contributes to well-rounded lower body development.

One of the critical aspects of performing the hack squat is maintaining a proper range of motion (ROM). A full ROM ensures that the muscle fibres are engaged throughout the entire movement, which is essential for promoting muscle growth and strength gains. When performing the squat, it’s crucial to lower your body to a depth where your thighs are parallel to the ground or go even deeper if your mobility allows it, before extending your legs to return to the starting position. This full range of motion, when performed properly, not only contributes to better muscle development but also enhances joint mobility and flexibility.

The hack squat, with its unique barbell positioning and emphasis on the leg muscle, offers a great alternative to traditional squats. It’s a beneficial exercise for anyone looking to target the glutes, while also working the other major muscle groups in the lower body. Adductors and calves are also involved, making it a compound movement. Incorporating a variety of squat variations, can contribute to a more comprehensive leg training routine, promoting balanced muscle development and improved lower body strength.

What is The Landmine Hack Squat Attachment

Hack squat attachment loaded with lifting plates and resting on a box

The landmine hack squat attachment is a specialist piece of gym equipment designed to offer the option of performing this exercise in your home or functional fitness gym, without needing a specific hack squat machine. This makes it a great alternative when working out from home or in a gym that doesn’t have a commercial hack squat machine. The attachment offers a structured pathway for the barbell, ensuring a more controlled movement throughout the exercise. This piece of equipment sits comfortably on your shoulders, and is added on one end of the barbell (which can be used loaded with weights or unloaded) , with the other end going into a landmine base (placed either on the floor or on a rack), providing a pivot point for the barbell. This setup allows for an easy and safe exercising experience, making the landmine squat a great alternative to standard squat, in the comfort of your own home or garage gym.

One of the significant advantages of using the landmine squat extension is the relief it provides to individuals with certain back or knee issues. Regular front squat or other variations may sometimes increase existing discomfort or injuries due to the vertical load on the spine and the intense knee flexion. However, the landmine hack squat, facilitated by the attachment, provides a more angled approach to the squat movement. This angled pathway reduces the direct downward pressure on the spine and knees, making it a more comfortable option for those with specific joint concerns.

The process of performing squats using the landmine attachment is straightforward and very effective. You step into the machine, position yourself appropriately, and use the hack squat machine with a guided and controlled motion. The attachment ensures that the barbell remains on a fixed path, eliminating any lateral or forward/backward movements that could potentially cause strain or injury. 

Hack Squat Variations and Alternatives

female,athlete,doing,lunges,in,hack,squat,gym,machine,,copy hack squat exercises

The hack squat is a versatile exercise with several variations that can suit different fitness levels and goals. The introduction of the hack landmine attachment adds an innovative twist to the traditional hack squat, providing a more controlled and safer way to execute the exercise. 

This setup opens the door to various other squat variations as well as other exercises that can be performed using the attachment, such as rows, shoulder presses, and more.

Variations with the Hack Landmine Attachment:

Utilising the hack landmine attachment, you can try different foot placements or even change the angle of the squat with a slant board to target different muscle groups. This variation allows you to customise your workout and focus on specific leg muscles according to your training goals.

Hack Squat Alternatives:

Apart from the movement variations, there are other exercises that can serve as alternatives to the hack squat. The leg press and machine hack squat are excellent choices for varying your leg workout routine. Alternatively, performing squats on a smith machine, also offers different angles and resistance levels, providing a fresh challenge for your muscles.

  • Leg Press: The leg press is a good alternative that also targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It’s done in a seated position, which can be more comfortable for some individuals, especially those with back issues, and struggle with weight loaded on the shoulders. 
  • Machine Hack Squat: The machine hack squat is another variant that provides support for your back, allowing for a stable squat movement. It’s a great way to isolate the lower body muscles while ensuring proper form.


When compared to the traditional barbell squat and machine hack squat, the landmine Hack Squat stands out in terms of ease, safety, and muscle engagement.

  • Ease: The landmine hack squat requires little experience to perform with proper form due to the guided pathway the attachment provides. The ability to load the barbell will also help with progressive overload and to track progress. This is particularly beneficial for beginners or those recovering from injuries.

  • Safety: The angled pathway of the landmine attachment reduces the load on the spine and knees, making it a safer alternative, especially for individuals with back or knee concerns.

  • Muscle Engagement: Similarly to the traditional barbell squat, the hack squat is a fantastic compound movement engaging multiple muscle groups, while isolating the lower body muscles.

Benefits of The Hack Squat Using The Landmine Attachment

hack squat landmine

This squat, when performed using the landmine attachment, presents a wide range of benefits that contribute to both strength and aesthetic goals. Here are some of the notable benefits using this setup:

Enhanced Stability and Controlled Range of Motion

One of the primary benefits of a squat using the hack landmine attachment is the enhanced stability it provides, compared to a barbell squat. The setup ensures a controlled ROM, making each repetition more effective and reducing the risk of injury. This control allows for a precise squat movement pattern, making it an excellent exercise for both beginners and seasoned lifters.

Targeted Muscle Engagement

The hack squat is great for targeting some of the largest muscle groups in the lower body. Besides the quads, the exercise also engages the glutes and hamstrings, promoting a well-rounded leg workout. The controlled movement facilitated by the landmine attachment allows for a more focused engagement of these muscles, helping to stimulate growth and strength effectively.

A Safer Squat Variation

For individuals with back or knee concerns, traditional squats can sometimes be uncomfortable or even risky. The hack squat, particularly with the landmine attachment, provides a safer squat variation. By altering the angle of the squat, it reduces the strain on the back and knees, and allows for greater range, making it a viable lower body exercise option for those with certain joint issues.

Executing The Hack Squat: Step-by-Step Guide

Performing this squat variation using the hack landmine attachment, while easy, it requires a good understanding of the setup and form. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide to help you execute the exercise effectively:

  1. Starting Position: Begin by positioning the attachment on your shoulders, just outside the traps. You can bring the barbell up from the floor, or from a box stand if loaded with heavy weight. Ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart on the floor, or elevated using a slant board, with toes slightly pointed outwards.


  2. Form Tips: Before initiating the squat, maintain a neutral spine, engage your core, and keep your chest lifted. These form tips will help ensure a safe and effective exercise execution.


  3. Descending Phase: As you lower your body, focus on pushing your hips back and bending your knees. It’s essential to keep your heels flat on the platform, keep pushing through the ball of your feet,  and ensure your knees are tracking over your toes throughout the movement.


  4. Ascending Phase: Once you reach the desired depth, drive through your heels to extend your legs and return to the starting position. Ensure that your chest remains lifted, and your spine neutral as you ascend.


  5. Squat Sets: Aim for 3-5 sets of 8-12 repetitions, depending on your fitness level and goals. Ensure you rest adequately between sets to allow for muscle recovery.


  6. Squat Foot Positioning: Experiment with different foot positions to target various angles of your leg muscles. A wider stance will engage your glutes even more, while a narrower stance will target the quads more.


  7. Perfect Form: Striving for perfect form in each repetition is crucial for the effectiveness of the exercise and for minimising the risk of injury. It’s advisable to start with a lighter weight to master the movement before gradually increasing the weight for added challenge.

Common Hack Squat Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

profile,shot,of,a,strong,athletic,woman,doing,squats, Hack Squats vs. Alternatives

The hack squat, while being a superb exercise for the lower body, if performed incorrectly can lead to injury or ineffectiveness. Here are some common mistakes, and tips on how to avoid them for a safer and more effective workout:

Improper Form

One of the most common squat mistakes is improper form, which can lead to reduced effectiveness and increased injury risk. It’s vital to maintain a neutral spine, keep a tight core and a proud chest, ensuring the knees are tracking over the toes throughout the movement.

How to Avoid:

  • Take time to learn the correct form, starting with lighter weights.

Incorrect Foot Positioning

The foot position significantly impacts the muscle engagement and the safety of the knees. Incorrect foot positioning can cause undue stress on the knees and other joints.

How to Avoid:

  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart with toes slightly pointed outwards.
  • Experiment with different foot positions but ensure your knees are always aligned and tracking over your feet during the whole squat movement.

Overloading the Barbell

Adding too much weight too soon can lead to improper form and potential injury. It’s a common mistake to increase the weight drastically in the quest for quick results.

How to Avoid:

  • Start with a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with perfect form.
  • Gradually increase the weight in small increments as your strength improves, without compromising form.

Bouncing at the Bottom

Some people tend to bounce at the bottom of the squat to use the momentum to propel themselves upward, which could be dangerous.

How to Avoid:

Control the descending phase of the squat, pause slightly at the bottom without bouncing, then ascend with control.

Incorporating The landmine Hack Squat Into Your Routine

Adjustable hack squat attachment in use

Including this alternative squat exercise in your leg workout routine can add a beneficial variation, targeting the leg muscles differently and enhancing overall leg strength and definition. Here’s how you can incorporate it:

Blending with Other Exercises

Pair the hack landmine squat with other exercises like the leg press, barbell squat, or even deadlifts and RDLs to create a comprehensive leg workout. This variation allows for a well-rounded routine that targets all major leg muscles.

Leg Day Routine:

  • Start with a regular hack squat or air squat to warm up the muscles.
  • Proceed with the landmine squat for 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.
  • Follow up with exercises like the leg press and leg extension to target different muscle groups.
  • Mix in certain exercises like lunges or step-ups for added variety and muscle engagement.


Incorporating this squat once or twice a week on leg days, can provide significant benefits without overtaxing the muscles. Ensure you allow for adequate recovery between sessions to promote muscle growth and prevent overtraining. Always consult a professional for advice and a more targeted training plan.


This setup helps make this squat variation a safer and more stable exercise. It’s really good for people who have back or knee problems.

The landmine hack squat is a great choice if you’re looking to change up your leg workouts. It’s different from other squats and offers a good way to target your leg muscles, especially the glutes. So, if you haven’t tried the hack landmine squat, now is a good time to give it a shot. It’s a safer and effective way to spice up your leg day and build strong, toned legs.

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